Monday, June 1, 2009

Graduation is June 5th

The light at the end of the tunnel is finally here for some of you. Graduation is June 5th at 7:00 pm at the Capitol Theater and there are a number of graphic arts students graduating on the Salt Lake Campus.

Graduates with an Associate of Occupational Studies in Graphic Art:

Bill Andrus
Taylor Christensen*
Kenyon Curtis**
Kodi Ellis
Donna Glen***˜
Michael Haygood***˜
Austin Heath
Kristina Holder
Brian Lee*
Chad Ludwig*
Dan Markosian**
Jenny Sean Pace*
Manuel Rangel***˜
Katherine Schmidt
Kelie Scoville
Laurie Tanner*
David Wade

*-Cum Laude **-Magna Cum Laude ***Summa Cum Laude ˜-Alpha Beta Society

I am so proud of all of the graduates - great job and I will see you on Friday.

Graduation is open to the public so you are encouraged to come and show support to your friends and classmates.

I will also be graduating with my MBA so I will be leading graduates and graduating with you. Be there or be SQUARE!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your MBA! Awesome!

-Amy White

Jenny Rhodes said...

Thanks Amy : )