Monday, September 8, 2008

New technology in Printing

So, I"m watching the today show this morning and I hear them talking about a new technology in printing - what could it possibly be? A 5th color? CMYK - umm P???

What more can we do in printing that we're not already doing - turns out they are putting digital interactivity on magazine covers. Esquire has unveiled its new cover that features electronic ink! Pretty cool - and what does that mean to us as designers. Not only are we designing static printed covers but now there is the possibility of movement and animation. An entirely new element to contend with from a design perspective.

The news is all over the internet this morning.

The Boston Globe has this to say:
"A revolutionary and top-secret Esquire magazine cover was revealed this morning on NBC�s �The Today Show.�

The magazine�s 75th anniversary cover � the first mass-produced glossy magazine cover featuring electronic ink � has an inset that electrically sorts tiny black or white capsules to read, �The 21st Century Begins Now.�

A computer chip allows the 10-square-inch display to present parts of the phrase in succession before the entire sentence blinks together." Full Story Here...

That technology originated in Cambridge at E Ink Corp., where the Esquire project was seen as one step toward a paperless future... More info about the process

Esquire is not releasing the costs involved with this technology but they are charging $2.00 more than their ususal cover price for this particular issue. This has a lot of implications in the future of design - comments?


Twitter News said...

Thats pretty cool stuff! When do classes start for this? You know how to do this kinda thing right lol. Next mod lets go at it!

Anonymous said...

wow, thats really amazing. im going out to buy this magazine.

Anonymous said...

For ground breaking technology the actual cover itself is rather uneventful wouldn't you say?