Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Student Awards

Wednesday, April 28th is the quarterly awards ceremony for academic excellence. The day students will be presented at 11:00 am and the night students will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium.

President's List - 4.0 GPA
Cody Birkinshaw
Shaun Drake
Breezy Rico

Dean's List - 3.8 - 3.99 GPA

Alisha Jurgensmeier
Jason Merrill
Jill Neuman
Chad Sallenback
Candance Spens
Michael Sporl
Geraldine Sporl
Andrew Wernick
Stephen Williams

Honor Roll - 3.5 GPA

Daniel Bandis
Bonnie Breniser
Eleanor Burson
Nicholas Hoffman
Dante Johnson
Erica Ramey
Richard Steen

Congratulations Students!

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